Gary Blanchard-K.I. 6/97
"ROSE PATTERN" Not for Sale
Click to Enlarge  faer
Phil Boguszewski (Same as #3)
Phil Boguszewski  NYFS
Jim Ence  NYFS  AKI Knife
"THIRTY-THREE EMERALDS"Alaskan Jade handle with gold trim on top of blade/David Daroms Book IV Great Collections $24,500

   Joe Cordova 9 1/2"-5"  blade with micarta and Zig Zag pattern fflm

Jim Ence Dr Darom Book 2004 Jim built these over a 3 yr time span and used 24 ct gold along with premium stag and Big Sheep horn,etc. They will be sold as either a 6 or 7 pc set. POR  

Jim Ence Dr Darom Book 2004
"DOUBLE RACOONS"  David Daroms 'Great Collections'Bk IVPOR


Ence Battle Axe  Jade & Ebony handle This is one of only two Battle Axes Jim has made over the years.
Ence NYFS-French Mag-Excaliber issue #32,2004/AKI 2003-Dr Darom Book IV/ Nov issue Japan blade mag  Bradford 2003&AKI
Jim Ence  Dr Darom Book 2004
Jim Ence Dr Darom Book 2004

Dennis Friedly
  Great Scrim But NOT FOR SALE
Dennis Friedly Not for Sale
Dennis Friedly
"SIX-HEADS"Not for sale 
Stan Fujisaka -His very best ever!
"BIRDS AND THE BEES" NYFS David Daroms Book IV  Lrpr


Stan Fujisaka Blade Mag 6/05
"DAGGER" NYFS/David Daroms Bk IV Great Collections NYFS
Hara & Takahashi Chutes ***Some for sale
Joe Cordova  Master Bladesmith -Great Stag  **SOLD

Jacks    Stelite 6K & Mastadon Ivory "The Old & The New" 
$695 ** SOLD)
Another AKI work of art. Fittings are made of 416 stainless steel with sculptured floral engravings set with sapphires. Handle is Black Jade & all engraving by Julie Warenski. 15 Sapphires set in ring, guard and pommel.
Buster Warenski's AKI ~~Handle is genuine carved Amber with blued steel & 24ct gold inlay SOLD Paper weight sheath is blued steel with genuine amber cabochon 24ct gold inlay $24,500   SOLD All carving and gold inlay & engraving by Julie Warenski (Note: What is "Lady Finger doing in this pic?)
Ray Beers and his Knives '90 Annual Cover Page.  AND also in the Weyer Books. 


Blued steel hilt with gold inlays, jade collar with fancy filed gold plated spacers. Made in 1989. Handle carved by Ron Myers 11& 1/2" blade,440C, mirror polished hollow grinds 19&1/2"oal. Wood handle carved & painted of a dragon.
The Display box says it all.  Beautiful French-fitted custom Rosewood Box. For Sale  $1,860*** SOLD Charles Weiss Dagger with Frog Skin handle overlay with twisted silver wire wrap// 5&7/8s blade & 10&5/8oal. blued steel hilt with deep relief engraving.$ Case is $1860 & the Dagger is FREE.***SOLD
Top-Koji Hara & his 'Baby Bear" Fantastic

Bottom is the last knife ever made by Masao Takahashi. A beautiful stag NYS. (Not from Solvang show


This Koji Hara took three years to make as Koji attends so many shows all over the planet. Finally, my Baby Bear arrived in Solvang, CA  Sold Scott Sawby with his 'self lock' Kittiwake~6&3/4 oal/MOP scales with fire agate inlays in the escutcheon. /SS back strap & frame.  This is one of the finest MOP & inlay's around today. For Sale $2,750*** SOLD
Stan Fujisaka FIXED BLADE -One of very few AND of course he used the Hawaiian KOA wood which is just beautiful: SOLD Here is another view of the engraving by Bruce Shaw For Sale $675***SOLD Stan Fujisaka passed away this past year and the knife world will surely miss both Stan & Elaine at the knife Shows.  ON this web site are some of his folders & daggers.
Fantasy Dagger  $995 Dragons on Fire Another Shot***

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