This copy of a Marble Canoe knife was personally made for Bob Loveless BY Joe Cordova. Great Stag,Ivory and Bone with spacers. Look for this in David Darom's Great Collections coming out at the Atlanta show '07 NYFS Cordova Chute-Stage/ w/
red liner ladder (zig zag) pattern.
 See Page 1 or 2 For Sale *** For Sale $895*** SOLD


Koji Hara's Masterpiece"Chute" 6 3/4" Blade and 11 3/4" overall with incredible PINK IVORY. Parachute holes in guard. Pink Ivory compliments of Sir Donald Hume!For Sale Get two for the price of One-$3,200 & only sold as a pair.***

Stan Fujisaka-click on for close ups!

YES, now for sale- Enlarge for close up of this magnificent Fujisaka/ Judy Beaver combo.  $3,900



This is one of stan's new model presented at the 2006 Solvang show.Color engraving by Judy Beaver. Fantastic work -scales with beautiful M.O P SEE ABOVE


Dwight Towell Fighter with 5 inch blade, hand rubbed finish with Amber Stag handle and engraved stainless steel bolster, fittings and pins. AKI 2007-Sheath by maker For Sale $2,495 Dwight is one of the 25 AKI makers.**

AKI 2007 Dwight Towell close up of picture to your left.

This is one fantastic fighter which should not be overlooked.  Fantastic amber stag from a fantastic maker. Take it home now!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!**SOLD

Boguszewski-early custom folder

Titanium, great file work 


Thank    YOU "Guns & Roses Bill Ankrom- Chute  Knife with engraved pins and guard with parachute holes.  Bruce Christensen engraving/ Beautiful Desert Ironwood/Bill Ankrom won "best of show 2007 Solvang"-He is now in the elite group of great makers.

4&3/4" blade-9 1/2 " overall

shown on previous page  For Sale***

Randy Lee-3" blade, ats34, 61/4 "overall, spinny oyster,oosic & Ivory $350*** From the movie-How the West Was Won-This is the knife Jimmy Stewart wore- (two diff sheaths)For Sale $4,000 Cordova Masterpiece  OFFERS CONSIDERED-Fossil Walrus Ivory-more details to follow.Forged damascus/1084 & 15-N-20 with sterling silver spacers/ 6" blade & 11" overall. Leather sheath-Spain.** SOLD






Another Fantastic piece by STEVE LIKARICH
7" blade and 12"OAL.  incredible
file work on both the top and underside. Purples
& blues titanium liners make this glow in the dark 







Bill Pease small hunter, sheath included $535 F/S**  SOLD This represents a small portion of my New York Specials from a dozen of the finest makers today. Well, one of the newest NYS is shown here on the far right~ Joe Cordova's NYS with ZDP189 powder steel. hidden pens, same steel on bolster, copper liner with Zig Zag pattern.
Yes, these two are available.  The colors are magnificent!  Call for a great price! SKULLS~~~~ click to enlarge.  This is fantastic. Purchased at the TKI  "Tactical Knives Invitational" in Vegas this past weekend. Over 100 names were in the boxes. Sometimes, it pays to be lucky. For Sale SOLD
Joe Cordova with his great stag and his Drop Point Hunter. Joe worked with Bob Loveless.  **  SOLD Stan Fujisaka shows his style of a drop point hunter with his Hawaiian Koa wood. Sold

Emerson G5 Pro Tech CQC7 auto custom PK Splash Anodized and GV Logo 2-tone Tanto Blade 2013

For Sale


Bill Pease says: New York Special with Purple M.O.P. Mokume Guard, bolsters and fittings and moasic studs. CPM 154 with full double grind  7&1/2" oal. Just incredible!
Bill Pease even throws in a sheath not that the NYS will ever see the inside of one. //  Note: Master BladeSmith Dave Ellis agrees, "He has NEVER seen Purple MOP. Everyone at the AKI agreed and wanted this one!!! Herman Schneider is a legend and this is one great example of why~This is of course the Rain drop pattern and it doesn't get any better than this. WoW Jim Weyer books show his work on many pages. Take a peek. Here is a shot of the King's Crown/ Coronet:








Randall Model #1-7" Most sought after Randall as our American fighting soldiers overseas want this life saver. Leather handle with finger grips, brass butt cap and Model A leather sheath.  Stainless Steel Blade, mint condition. Never carried, or in sheath. $675 ***

More on RANDALL model #1The Model #1 was one of the first models produced in the Randall Shop in Orlando. Made by Bo Randall served as a prototype for the Springfield Randall in 1943.The blade is 0-1 tool steel at 56-57 Rc. the oal is 12" The leather handle shown here is extremely rare and hard to find.


Herman Schneider: SS hilt, collar, and pommel with color relief engraved by master engraver Gary Blanchard. , gold wire wrap and gold spacers. Excellent flet lined nickel silver sheath with matching engraving.
Herman Schneider does it again. This was owned by Mr Tai of Japan. 5" blade of 440C, beautiful satin finish and convex grind-9&1/4"oal.  For newer collectors who were not collecting back in the early days, Herman is considered on of the top 5 makers of all time. 
Erickson-Warenski- Loaded with 96 diamonds and 6 large Rubies ~total of 21 Rubies. Equally loaded with Magnificent workmanship by both Curt & Julie For Sale POR Created June 2013- Just wait tell the AKI show in San Diego. I understand they plan to present a fantastic Holiday Present to one of the lucky 175 collectors that will be attending~ With all of this beauty, do u really need to even see the blade?
Curt Erickson/Julie Warenski  Blade is 440C with a 3 piece guard of German Silver with 24ct gold beaded inlays & engraving.  This piece is absolutely priceless with 4 ctw's of diamonds and Rubies. Titled-Eternity Art~The guard also features ruby gemstones & pave diamonds that are set into the centerpiece of the three piece guard. The handle frame is wrapped with German Silver & contains 24ct gold beaded inlays  with engraving on the sides. The Eternity design is made of blued gunmetal steel and a ruby gemstone in the center. Pave diamonds are set into the background. Full metal sheath from German Silver. 2ctw of pave diamonds & 2ctw ruby gemstones w/ 24ct gold inlay.

Curt & Julie~ Do I need to say more? Erickson/Warenski 8/12" oal/416SS fittings, full tapered tang & thong hole. Premium amber stag Fully engraved and gold inlay by Julie. SOLD Kansei NYS with snap sheath.Steel is ATS34... Engraving of bolster and pins by Chiwiwi, Bosque Farms N.M. HE is one of the finest in the state.
King Tut
Top=John Young and bottom is an incredible piece by Thad Buchanan  TOP


The Master of Art Daggers today is Curt Erickson along with his wife Julie Warenski.  $3,250**SOLD

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