Willie Rigney NYFSWeyer IV
"Charolite /Old Diminion Engraving by David Perdue. This is perhaps one of the finest pieces that I own today.  It is truly a masterpiece by a remarkable retired maker.Erpr
Willie Rigney  NYFS-8/90Cover; Nov Issue Japan Blade Mag; David Daroms Great Collections Book IV, Blade & Knives Illus.d-Jim Weyers 'Knives'Book 111 Charolite handle, David Perdue EngNYFS  


Note: Sold as a pair-Oal is 12" & 9" Koji Hara with the rarest wood in the world-Pink Ivory*** koji Hara-Blade Mag 3/98 & 3/99


Koji Hara Blade Mag 11/00

Koji Hara-  steel-cowry-y India stag top 15" overall-10" blade Very Rare Koji Big Bears

Cordova made for Bob Loveless. Repeat from previous page. To be displayed at Solvang 07 show. Likarich  NYFS Blade Mag 5/01 Weyer Book 2007/David Daroms Bk IV Great Collection  Book

Loveless Big Bear.  What else needs to be said???? Sold "Loveless AKI/Nude Logo/Hidden Pin's"
"POR" bottom two still availableTwo of the three have been sold. One still avail see 'New Knives' look for Chewiwi engraving piece.

Both are available in either display boxes shown here and next screen.


Individual boxes/Knives can be purchased without the display boxes Double Nude Logo-Riverside

Great Stag

Single stitch and double stitch sheaths Jimmy Stewart knife Pic #2 From the movie "How the West Was Won" $4000*****
From the Phil Lobred Collection: Jim Ence Poppy handle carved fossil walrus Ivory. 5&3/4" blade oal of 10&1/2", silver hilt, gold inlay, silver sheath. Provenance: Custom Fixed Blade Kinves-David Darom-Page 121
JIM ENCE Masterpiece. Just an absolute fantastic piece of art. The Poppy is a copy of a Price knife with the carved ivory poppy handle.    Opposite side:  One of the most beautiful carved fossil Ivory ever. Of all the carved ivory handle knives of the 1850's, Phils favorite is the one you are looking at.
From the Phil Lobred Collection Buster Warenski Bradford Style Dagger.  The very Fantastic scene of the "Fighting Cane's". This Warenski is a classic example of  a knife that was made by Price back in the day.  errr *** Buster Warenski's 6&1/2" blade,Mammoth ivory inlays,Silver Wrap, gold fittings and Silver Sheath.  1970

Provenance: Knives Points of Interest IV- Weyer-Page 219 and Gun Digest Book of Knives, 2nd edition Page 72,76 


Buster Warenski- A great example of Michael Price's studded handle knife with the 1850s engraving motif of two guys having a cane fight. Most people mistake it for a sword fight.  Click  on picture to enlarge.
Masao Takahashi Sub hilt. One of the last pieces created by this most talented Japanese artist. $2,395 **  SOLD Ron Newton, MS~ Shown here is his 'Hideout' with mammoth ivory and a fantastic sheath created by Paul Long of TX. Dennis Friedly created this fighter. Dennis most recently won 'Best of Show' in Dallas this past May.SOLD
Ron Newton (Master Smith) with his  "Hideout" 4&1/2" blade of CPM-154, fine satin finish, 8&7/8" overall length~Stainless steel hilt~Mortised fossil walrus ivory handle and thong hole. Comes with a sheath by Paul Long, TX. We have here the reverse side and I think u get the idea. The mammoth colors are incredible.
STAN HAWKINS Artist not only had one of the finest Art Knife Collection of Daggers but ventured into Carving Carousel Horses which we commissioned many yrs ago. Notice the shield/Dagger on the side.**The cat in the upper corner was a scrimshaw that Stan did many yrs ago... Lloyd Hale with beautiful Mother of Pearl/Abalony inlays and of course Lloyd's incredible file work, all done by hand. $POR John Young ~ Two of his finest. waited 4 yrs for sub hilt CHUTE with great stag// The top sub hilt was the lottery pick at Dan Delevan's ANNUAL Plaza Cutlery Show  10/2012. Reverse shows John's 15th Anniv yrFor Sale $5,000 ea & a tiny bit more for his 15th Anniv Logo
The Big fellow in this picture is Rick Monsour (Believe it-he can swim for an hour non stop!  Yes, we buy entire collections or one at a time. We co own the Kachina Series shown above. We have been asked several times now if they are for sale. Everything is F/S but the price is very very high. Call to discuss. 
Myself and fellow collector, preveyor and maker-Rick Monsour
Loveless with Alvin Chewiwi engraving. Alvin had a house full of makers begging for his time at the Reno show. And now "William Henry Knives" have employed Mr Chewiwi~ Watch for Blade Magazine articles forth coming. For Sale Bolsters have $2K of engraving/gold. POR

Willie Rigney & Jim Ence

What can be more beautiful than viewing an amazing Rigney Dagger with another amazing Jim Ence Battle Axe.Both with Gem Quality Jade handles and Gold everywhere on the Rigney  *** See Page 6


 NOTICE~Willie Rigney "Please come out of retirement" The ART WORLD NEEDS YOU~SOLD Willie Rigney's Masterpiece~  This is by far the most incredible Rigney ever made/ As others would agree that Willie was right up there with Buster Warenski ~Blade 9&1/2" and OAL of 15" the steel is ats-34 with 416 stainless and Presentation Grade Jade. SOLD Master Engraver Ron Skaggs who has been working with Willie since the early 90's. The detail is beyond belief. Raised gold Dragon Fly on one ricasso & a golden Bull Frog on the other.Made around 1993 farkr  SOLD
  John Young ~ Two of his finest. waited 4 yrs for sub hilt CHUTE with great stag// The top sub hilt was the lottery pick at Dan Delevan's ANNUAL Plaza Cutlery Show 10/2012. Reverse shows John's 15th yr anniversary~~~  
$5000 bottom
S.H. White from W.V. with an incredible  Fossil Ivory handle dagger from the era of Willie Rigney. Scottie White Dagger has a 9" blade & 15&1/2"oal with mastadon rings to cap it off.
Cordova Chute-Stage/ w/
red liner ladder (zig zag) pattern.
 See Page 1 or 2 For Sale
$750 ***  SOLD
Dwight Towell Fighter with 5 inch blade, hand rubbed finish with Amber Stag handle and engraved stainless steel bolster, fittings and pins. AKI 2007-Sheath by maker $2130  SOLD  
Bill Pease says: New York Special with Purple M.O.P. Mokume Guard, bolsters and fittings and moasic studs. CPM 154 with full double grind  7&1/2" oal. Just incredible!
$895 SOLD
Herman Schneider is a legend and this is one great example of why~This is of course the Rain drop pattern and it doesn't get any better than this. WoW Jim Weyer books show his work on many pages. Take a peek. Here is a shot of the King's Crown/ Coronet:

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